"Welcome to Jeevanshree Hospital Services, a hub of specialized medical care catering to Dombivli and Thane. Dr. Rahul Mahadar, our distinguished Laparoscopic Surgeon in Dombivli, leads our team specializing in Gastrointestinal and Hernia surgeries, Laser Piles Treatment, and Endoscopy. His pioneering work ensures superior outcomes and faster recoveries for our patients. Complementing this expertise is Dr. Dhanashree Mahadar, our esteemed ENT Surgeon in Dombivli, renowned for unparalleled proficiency in ENT surgeries.

    At Jeevanshree Hospital Services, our mission is to provide personalized, compassionate care using cutting-edge medical technology. Our patient-centric approach sets new benchmarks in healthcare services. We boast a state-of-the-art Endoscopy Clinic in Dombivli. Whether it's intricate surgical procedures or routine check-ups, your well-being remains our priority.


    Thank you for considering Jeevanshree Hospital Services for your healthcare needs. We're committed to being your trusted partners in your pursuit of a healthier, happier life."

  • Our Doctors

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    Dr. Rahul Mahadar

    Dr. Rahul Mahadar stands as an esteemed medical expert in Dombivli, boasting exceptional skill across multiple specialties: Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastrointestinal care, Laser Piles Treatment, Hernia repairs, and Endoscopy. His dedication to minimally invasive techniques has earned him widespread recognition in the medical field.


    As a Laparoscopic Surgeon in Dombivli, Dr. Rahul Mahadar has revolutionized countless lives, employing cutting-edge methods to deliver precise and impactful treatments. His expertise as a Gastrointestinal Surgeon in Dombivli has brought relief to many grappling with digestive issues, demonstrating his commitment to holistic patient care.

    In the realm of Laser Piles Surgeon in Thane, Dr. Rahul Mahadar has been a beacon of relief for those enduring discomfort due to piles, offering advanced laser-based solutions. His proficiency as a Hernia Surgeon in Dombivli has restored quality of life for numerous patients through successful hernia repair procedures.

    Moreover, his mastery in the realm of Endoscopy Clinic in Dombivli has set a benchmark for meticulous and accurate diagnostics, ensuring timely detection of various gastrointestinal conditions.

    Dr. Rahul Mahadar's unwavering dedication to patient well-being, coupled with his expertise spanning these specialized fields, positions him as a trusted and highly sought-after healthcare professional in the region.

    Contact details:

    Phone: +91 9920027124 / +91 9321679769

    Address: R.P. road, opposite Tilak Nagar post office, Ground Floor, Guru Milan CHS, Dombivli, Maharashtra 421201

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    Dr. Dhanashree Mahadar

    Dr. Dhanashree Mahadar stands as an esteemed ENT Surgeon in Dombivli, celebrated for her expertise and unwavering dedication within Otorhinolaryngology. Her commitment to delivering exceptional care has solidified her reputation as a trusted figure in the realm of ENT surgery.

    In her role as an ENT Surgeon in Dombivli, Dr. Dhanashree Mahadar brings forth a wealth of knowledge and experience, addressing a spectrum of ear, nose, and throat conditions. Her dedication to precise diagnosis and comprehensive treatment has earned her admiration among patients seeking specialized care for ENT ailments.


    Driven by a passion to enhance her patients' quality of life, Dr. Dhanashree Mahadar's blend of proficiency and compassionate approach distinguishes her as a highly respected ENT specialist in the region.


    Contact Information:

    Phone: +91 9920027124 / +91 9321679769

    Address: R.P. road, opposite Tilak Nagar post office, ground floor, Guru Milan CHS, Dombivli, Maharashtra 421201


    Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery


    Experience our specialized Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery, providing advanced solutions for hernia sufferers. Our skilled surgical team employs minimally invasive techniques, expertly repairing hernias with precision and efficiency. Through smaller incisions and specialized instruments, we ensure targeted repairs, minimizing post-operative discomfort and fostering swift recoveries. Whether it's inguinal, umbilical, or incisional hernias, our procedures are tailored to each patient's unique condition, guaranteeing personalized and effective treatment.


    Our pre-operative evaluations are comprehensive, ensuring optimal care and customized surgical plans for every patient. We are dedicated to employing state-of-the-art techniques while delivering compassionate care, defining our Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery services. Our goal is to provide relief from hernia-related discomfort, enabling a quicker return to daily life for our patients.



    Laparoscopic GI cancer surgery

    Embark on a journey of cutting-edge medical care with our specialized Laparoscopic GI Cancer Surgery services, designed for individuals facing the challenges of gastrointestinal cancers. Our adept surgical team employs advanced laparoscopic techniques to navigate with precision, addressing cancers affecting the gastrointestinal tract.


    These minimally invasive procedures, tailored to the unique condition of each patient, encompass surgeries for stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, and other gastrointestinal malignancies. Through smaller incisions and specialized tools, our goal is to remove cancerous tissues while preserving healthy surrounding organs, facilitating a quicker recovery and minimizing post-operative discomfort.


    At the heart of our approach is a commitment to comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, ensuring personalized treatment plans for the best possible outcomes. Patients benefit from our dedication to incorporating advanced technologies, expertise, and compassionate care into our Laparoscopic GI Cancer Surgery services. Trust us to provide effective solutions and support throughout the entire journey of battling gastrointestinal cancer.


    Laparoscopic surgery

    Experience the pinnacle of minimally invasive procedures through our Laparoscopic Surgery services, delivering precise and effective treatments across a spectrum of medical conditions. With the use of small incisions and specialized instruments, our adept surgical team executes intricate procedures with heightened precision, thereby reducing recovery times and post-operative discomfort.


    From gallbladder removals to appendectomies and hernia repairs, our expertise spans a diverse range of surgical interventions. Patient safety and optimal outcomes take precedence, reflected in meticulous pre-operative assessments customized to individual needs.


    Our patients enjoy accelerated healing, shorter hospital stays, and minimized scarring compared to traditional open surgeries. At the core of our Laparoscopic Surgery services is a commitment to advanced techniques and patient-centric care. This dedication empowers patients with innovative and minimally invasive solutions for their healthcare needs, ensuring a journey marked by excellence and comfort.

    Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography for Common Bile Duct Stone


    Experience our specialized Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) for Common Bile Duct Stone service, designed to diagnose and treat issues associated with common bile duct stones. This minimally invasive procedure merges endoscopy and X-ray imaging to assess and manage problems in the bile and pancreatic ducts.


    Utilizing a flexible endoscope, our skilled medical team accesses these ducts, enabling precise visualization and removal of obstructive stones. ERCP not only identifies blockages but also offers therapeutic interventions like stone removal or stent placement to restore normal bile flow.


    Our focus is on patient comfort and safety, ensuring minimal discomfort during the procedure and emphasizing post-ERCP care to facilitate recovery. We are committed to providing effective and comprehensive solutions, alleviating complications related to common bile duct stones and enhancing the well-being of our patients through this specialized service. Trust us to prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout this procedure.

    Endoscopic Sinus Surgery


    Explore our advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery services, offering innovative solutions for individuals grappling with chronic sinus issues. Through minimally invasive techniques and state-of-the-art endoscopic technology, our specialized team addresses sinus-related concerns with precision and effectiveness.


    These procedures aim to alleviate sinus inflammation, enhance drainage, and treat sinus infections by accessing sinus cavities through the nostrils, minimizing the need for external incisions. Patient comfort and speedy recovery are our priorities, ensuring minimal discomfort and accelerated healing times.

    Each surgery is meticulously tailored to the patient's specific condition, enabling personalized treatment plans that cater to their unique needs. Following surgery, patients receive comprehensive care, including guidance on post-operative care and follow-ups to monitor progress.


    Our commitment revolves around providing effective, patient-centered care, aiming to alleviate chronic sinus issues and enhance overall quality of life through our Endoscopic Sinus Surgery services. Trust us to prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout your journey to sinus relief.

    Head and neck cancer


    Embrace our Head and Neck Cancer services, where comprehensive care and specialized treatments are tailored to individuals confronting these conditions. Our cohesive team, comprising seasoned oncologists, surgeons, and dedicated support staff, collaborates to craft personalized care plans.


    These plans encompass cutting-edge diagnostic procedures, including imaging and biopsies, ensuring precise diagnosis and staging of the cancer. Treatment options, such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies, are meticulously tailored to address the specific cancer type and stage of each patient.


    Holistic support is our cornerstone, encompassing emotional and nutritional assistance alongside medical interventions. Our commitment extends beyond treatments; we strive to guide patients through their journey with unwavering support, enhancing their quality of life during and after treatment.


    With a patient-centric approach at our core, our Head and Neck Cancer services aim not only to achieve optimal outcomes but also to elevate the well-being of our patients. Trust us to navigate this journey with you, prioritizing your health and comfort every step of the way.

    Endoscopic Foreign Body Removal


    Experience our specialized Endoscopic Foreign Body Removal service, delivering a swift and precise solution for the safe extraction of foreign objects lodged within the digestive tract. Empowered by advanced endoscopic techniques and cutting-edge technology, our expert team ensures the efficient removal of foreign bodies, prioritizing minimized discomfort and reducing the risk of complications.


    We recognize the urgency and sensitivity of these cases, and therefore, our procedures are meticulously conducted by skilled professionals with an unwavering focus on patient safety. Whether dealing with small ingestions or complex scenarios, our specialized approach caters to diverse situations with utmost care and precision.


    Swift evaluations and the use of specialized tools during endoscopic procedures guarantee effective removal without causing harm. Our commitment to patient well-being extends beyond the procedure itself; post-removal care involves comprehensive guidance and follow-up support, aiding in recovery and preventing future incidents.


    Through our Endoscopic Foreign Body Removal service, we aim to swiftly resolve concerns and provide peace of mind to our patients, ensuring their comfort and safety throughout the entire process. Trust us to prioritize your health and deliver optimal care in these delicate situations.

    Bariatric surgery


    Experience our specialized Bariatric Surgery services, dedicated to transforming lives through personalized and effective weight management solutions. With a focus on holistic health, we offer a spectrum of advanced surgical procedures tailored to address obesity and its associated health concerns.

    Our expert team conducts meticulous evaluations to recommend procedures like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or gastric banding, aiming for substantial and sustainable weight loss. These surgeries modify the digestive system, fostering healthier eating habits and improving metabolism.

    Utilizing state-of-the-art techniques, including minimally invasive laparoscopic approaches, we ensure safer procedures with reduced recovery times. Comprehensive pre-operative assessments guide patients through personalized care and support.


    Our commitment extends beyond surgery; we offer post-operative guidance, nutritional counseling, and ongoing monitoring for lasting success. Patients often witness remarkable improvements not just in weight but also in associated conditions, fostering better overall health.

    Our goal is to empower individuals toward healthier lifestyles, promoting confidence and long-term well-being through our Bariatric Surgery services. Trust us to guide you towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    Thyroid & Parathyroid Disorders


    Experience our specialized service dedicated to Thyroid & Parathyroid Disorders, offering comprehensive care for individuals affected by conditions impacting these glands. Our focus on personalized treatment begins with thorough evaluations conducted by our expert team to accurately diagnose and manage thyroid and parathyroid disorders.


    Whether addressing thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or parathyroid conditions, our approach is tailored to meet each patient's specific needs. Utilizing advanced diagnostic tools, such as imaging and specialized blood tests, allows for precise assessments to create individualized treatment plans.


    Our commitment centers on providing effective medical interventions, including medication management, minimally invasive procedures, or surgical interventions. These aim to restore hormonal balance and alleviate associated symptoms. We prioritize patient education and support, empowering individuals to actively participate in their care journey.


    With a steadfast focus on optimal outcomes and patient well-being, our Thyroid & Parathyroid Disorders service strives to enhance the quality of life for those affected by these glandular conditions. Trust us to guide you toward a path of improved health and well-being.


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